Navigating the Transition from Teen Treatment Center to Adult Life
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As teens transition from a teen treatment center to everyday life, they will face challenges. However, there are strategies teens can employ that can make the transition smooth so they can stay on their sober path. We will explore some of these common challenges and some tips for a smooth transition.

Challenges Teens Face Transitioning from a Teen Treatment Center

Statistics show that between 40 and 60 percent of people will relapse following a substance use treatment program.[1] This is due to the challenges people face that threaten their sobriety. When teens leave a treatment center and head back into the real world, they will encounter challenges affecting their education, well-being, and success.

Continuing Education

Returning to high school or college following a stay at a teen treatment center can be overwhelming at first. While teens do their best to stay up to date with their lessons, being back in the classroom requires communicating with classmates and teachers. This can be intimidating for some at first. Taking it slow each day can make the transition smoother. Asking for help if something is too tough is also a good step for a smoother transition. For college students, taking a couple of courses rather than a full course load can help to make the situation less overwhelming.

Maintaining Sobriety in College

If a teen or young adult is heading back to college, maintaining sobriety can be challenging since many college students drink and try substances. Attending support groups and seeking out friends who embrace sobriety can make the transition smoother. By not putting yourself in a situation where there are substances, you lessen the risk of relapse.

Finding Employment

Many teens and young adults will try to find a job once they’re out of a treatment center. This can be a challenge if it is their first job or if there are gaps in employment. Building a resume highlighting skills and education can help make you stand out. Being honest about your substance abuse and recovery also shows that you are committed to bettering your life. Remember, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer cannot discriminate against you if you disclose a past substance use disorder during an interview or on an application.[2] All applicants should be treated equally during the hiring process despite their past substance use.

How to Transition from a Teen Treatment Center to Adult Life

Set Goals

Setting attainable goals can help get you on track and create a reasonable path while transitioning to adulthood. Goals help you track your progress. Goals such as mastering a new skill or completing a class successfully can help you to gain self-esteem you may have lost and be successful.

Skills Training

If you feel as though your time in a treatment center has you lacking specific skills, look for skills training courses in your area. These resources can give you the skills needed to make the transition smoother.

Continuing Support After Teen Treatment Center

Simply because you’ve completed a treatment program doesn’t mean that you still don’t need the support of therapists, family, and friends. Continuing family, group, and individual therapy sessions can help you express concerns and emotions that can arise during your transition to adult life.

Control Triggers and Cravings

Identifying and managing triggers is a vital part of the recovery process. At Ember Recovery, we provide clients with real-life skills and coping mechanisms that they can apply to everyday situations. We teach them to recognize potential triggers and develop essential skills for a successful transition. Part of this is steering clear of the people and places that contributed to substance use. Finding new friends and hobbies can open up a new world, free of triggers and cravings.

Continue Healthy Routines

At a treatment center, teens and young adults followed a schedule that helped lead them to a successful path. This likely included having a healthy routine of eating a balanced diet, exercising, and having a regular sleep pattern. Structured daily routines help to provide the stability that is needed outside of a treatment center. Following a schedule can help make the transition to adult life smoother.

Rebuild Relationships

Many teens and young adults find that they have to continue to rebuild relationships that may have shattered due to their substance use. While this may have started at a treatment center, the process will likely have to continue well after the program is over. This is necessary so that young people can connect with those who will support them as they transition into the real world.

Ember Recovery is Your Teen Treatment Center in Iowa

Ember Recovery is here to help youth, teens, and young adults break free from their addictions and lead a sober and successful life. We provide programs at our Iowa facilities for those ages 12-24. Our residential programs include dual diagnosis treatment for those dealing with a mental health issue, as well as other individualized recovery plans. Each program is specifically designed to suit each client’s needs. We provide the 24/7 care teens need to get sober and transition to a successful life.

Contact us today to learn more about our treatment center and how the team at Ember Recovery can help you get on the path to recovery.



