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Young Adult Program

Ember Recovery is committed to providing addiction treatment in Iowa for young adult males. We specifically serve males ages 18-24. Our environment and young adult program address the particular concerns of this demographic. They face different challenges than adults, and they need to be recognized to provide them with the success they deserve.

Why Choose an Ember Recovery Addiction Treatment Program

Ember Recovery provides the first and only addiction treatment program in Iowa, specifically for young adult males. Our program focuses on assessing the impact of their substance use disorder on themselves, as well as their loved ones. A large part of our program focuses on co-occurring conditions that involve mental health, physical health, and dealing with relationships. We treat these conditions simultaneously to get the best outcomes.

The average length of stay at our treatment program is approximately 30 to 45 days. Clients will receive referrals to services in their community to continue to support them on their journey to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

Residential treatment at Ember Recovery
succulent plant in a blue vase

Young Adult Program Goals

Besides providing treatment for substance use, we also want our clients to remain on a lifelong path of sobriety. We provide them with the coping skills and tools to make this happen. One of our goals is to ensure that all clients have a safe and suitable living arrangement to return home once they complete our program.

What Our Program Includes

At Ember Recovery, we believe in providing each client with treatment specific to their needs. We get to know each client to tailor a treatment plan that is made just for them. Often, this includes different therapies and opportunities to strengthen family relationships.

Lifetime Support

We also look to support long-term recovery, which provides connections to additional support programs and ongoing counseling and mentoring. Our team continues to support clients so that they can have a successful future. We offer scholarships to pursue higher education and check-ins from an Ember Recovery advocate.

Clients also have the opportunity to learn more about life skills such as personal finance, communication skills, and how to get and keep a job. These areas are explored through the curriculum from Life Skills Reimagined. Throughout the program, clients are assessed and given career interest inventories. This helps to determine what areas of education and job training would help them become more self-sufficient as they complete their program.

Our Treatments

Our treatments include addressing addiction, trauma, grief, and other challenges to a young adult’s well-being. During our residential treatment, clients can take part in different types of therapies, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Group & Individual Therapy
  • Multidimensional Family Therapy

Our team focuses on the consequences of addiction and finding a path to healing. We also examine each client’s mental health and provide treatments to help them heal in all aspects of their lives.

Residential treatment for boys

Benefits of an Addiction Treatment Program in Iowa

When young adults enter an addiction treatment program at Ember Recovery, they will see many benefits of receiving this type of treatment.

Youth Recovery House for Boys

Safe Environment

When clients are getting help for their substance use disorder at a treatment facility, they are in a safe environment. When people try to deal with their substance use disorder on their own, it can be difficult and can lead to dangerous consequences due to withdrawal symptoms. At a treatment facility, people can safely rid their bodies of substances in a supportive environment. Someone is always present if a client develops a problem through the process.

Less Temptation

At a substance treatment facility, clients do not have to deal with temptations that are around in the outside world. They can focus on their recovery as they learn to deal with temptations they may face once their program is over. They will also learn how to deal with specific triggers that can lead to relapse.


An addiction treatment program provides clients with the structure they need in their recovery. Daily routines, productive activities, and various treatments and therapies can help clients plan their days and focus on maintaining sobriety. By creating this habit, they can stick to it once their treatment has ended.


Treatment programs provide clients with the crucial support system they need to treat their substance use disorder. There is a community of people on hand 24/7 to provide the understanding and hope that is necessary during this delicate time. From support groups to seeing someone with a friendly smile who understands what you’re going through, the staff at Ember Recovery provides all clients with a shoulder to lean on.


While a treatment program provides support, it also holds clients accountable. You are expected to attend therapy sessions and follow the program’s details. Since you are around people going through the same experiences, you can hold each other accountable for receiving the proper care to get sober.

Increased Overall Health

Enrolling in a treatment program can help improve your overall health. Abusing drugs and alcohol can have damaging effects on the body. It can lead to weakness, as well as headaches and lost sleep. At a treatment center, clients receive nutritious meals that can help them build their strength as they recover. This can also help to improve overall mood, reducing drug cravings.

Exercise is also part of a treatment program because it can help improve mood. Preventing feelings of depression can help keep clients on the path to sobriety. They will also start to feel better about themselves, which can also help in the recovery process. As they regain self-esteem, they can see that they can accomplish their goals.

Call us Today to Learn More About
Our Treatment Programs

Call Ember Recovery today to learn more about our exclusive program for young adults ages 18-24.
Let us help you get on the path to sobriety.

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