How Iowa Drug Treatment Programs for Youth Brings Community Through Peer Support Groups
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When teens are recovering from substance use disorders, they need continuing support from many different outlets, one of these being peer support groups. Peer support groups are unique in providing teens with the perspective they need to see to overcome their challenges. They have the opportunity to see people in their positions succeed and triumph in substance use treatment and recovery. As we explore the role that peer support groups have in addiction treatment, we’ll also share how Ember Recovery can help if you’re looking for Iowa drug treatment programs for youth.

Iowa Drug Treatment Programs for Youth: What is a Peer Support Group?

A peer support group consists of those who have been successful in overcoming addiction and can guide those who are having similar experiences. Peer support groups can provide a range of services for teens who are going through a drug treatment program and for those who have completed their programs. They can offer opportunities to talk and resources that can help on the recovery journey. Peer support groups are evidence that drug and alcohol treatments work.

What do Peer Support Groups Do for Teens in Iowa Drug Treatment Programs for Youth?

While peer support is available throughout the treatment process, it can be especially beneficial for those during recovery who have completed a treatment program because it can help them stay the course.

Peer supporters can share success stories and give teens the encouragement they need to remain sober. They can also help teens set goals and provide support to reach those goals. They can provide valuable insight on how to live and stay sober. Many teens are likelier to listen to those in their peer support groups because they’ve walked in their shoes.

Peer support groups also help to build a community and form relationships. This sense of community is vital for those in recovery because it creates a bond among people who understand each other’s thoughts and feelings.

Benefits of Peer Support Groups

Reduce the Likelihood of Relapse

Research shows that peer support can help people achieve and maintain sobriety.[1] Peer support provides teens with the focus they need to stay on track.

Reduces Feelings of Isolation

When teens are in a treatment program, they may feel isolated from the world around them. By interacting with their peers, they can regain a sense of belonging with those who are experiencing the same emotions and situations.

Have Someone to Talk To

Teens need to express their emotions and need someone to talk to when temptations to use substances arise. Peer support groups provide the sounding board that is so crucial during recovery. Knowing there is always someone to talk to gives teens the support they need when things get tough.

Shared Struggles

The struggles that teens going through recovery face are many of the same that others have experienced. Balancing school, friends, and recovery can be one of the most challenging tasks. Peer support groups provide a venue to share common struggles.[2] Teens hear about others’ struggles and, more importantly, how others have overcome them. These coping skills are an invaluable part of the recovery process because they provide teens with actionable tools they can use when facing a difficult situation or balancing everyday life.

Making New Friends

Many teens going through the recovery process may realize that they need to make new friends that are not associated with their substance use disorders. This can be a difficult process as they cut these people from their lives. Peer support groups provide a network of like-minded individuals looking to make new friends with common goals.

Reduce Family Stress

Family members may feel stressed that they have to be the sole source of making sure their teen remains sober. While they play an integral part, knowing that a peer support group is also there to help can be reassuring and help ease the stress family members may be feeling.

Contact Ember Recovery for Iowa Treatment Programs for Youth

Ember Recovery provides Iowa treatment programs for youth and adult males ages 18-24. Our programs concentrate specifically on the needs of youth ages 12-17 and young adults 18-24 who need treatment for substance use disorders. By focusing on these age groups, we provide the types of treatment that can offer the best chances of success.

Our programs include a variety of therapy options and aftercare planning. We can also provide resources such as access to peer support groups to help in the process. At Ember Recovery, we recognize that it takes a village to help teens and young adults overcome their substance use disorders, and we have the tools to help them be successful.

Contact Ember Recovery today to learn more about our various treatment programs.



