How Does the Role of Family Help Your Teen in Adolescent Drug Rehab?
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When teens are undergoing adolescent drug rehab, they need many different types of treatment and support to be successful in recovery. One of the crucial things teens need is their family’s support. Family involvement in a teen’s rehabilitation journey can make a significant difference in their success and can reduce the risk of relapse. We will explore how families can help support teens, including the benefits of family therapy. We’ll also look at how treatment at Ember Recovery can help your teen overcome their substance abuse disorder.

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Ways that Families Can Help Support Teens During Adolescent Drug Rehab

Research shows that when the family takes part in the recovery process, it can dramatically help teens in many ways, such as [1]:

  • Reduced relapse rates
  • Decrease of behavioral issues
  • Reduced co-occurring conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • Improved family relationships

Families can support teens in adolescent drug rehab in a variety of ways. These include:

Open Lines of Communication

Keeping lines of communication open at all times will allow teens to feel comfortable talking to you when they are experiencing issues and having certain emotions that may lead to relapse.

Creating a Drug & Alcohol-Free Environment

Always creating a drug and alcohol-free environment can give your teen the support they need when they are done with their adolescent drug rehab treatment. Removing triggers and temptations can help keep your teen on the road to sobriety.

Building Trust

Your teen should feel as though they can trust you at all times. Building trust can take time, so be patient.

Being Non-Judgmental

Many teens may feel guilt or shame for their substance use disorder, so being non-judgmental is one of the best ways to support your teen as they go through treatment.

Provide Alternatives to Substances

Providing ideas and activities for your teen to engage them in new hobbies is another way to support them. This will help to steer them away from the people and places that may have led to their addiction.

Offering Positive Thoughts

By promoting positive thoughts, teens can be steered away from the negativity that can take them off course. Families can provide support by staying positive and encouraging their loved ones to stay on track.

Benefits of Family Therapy to Help Support Teens During Adolescent Drug Rehab

One significant way that families can help support teens during their treatment program is through therapy sessions. Therapy sessions have several benefits for teens and their families:

Addressing Underlying Issues With An Adolescent Drug Rehab

Many times, there are underlying issues that lead a teen to use drugs and alcohol. Pinpointing their issues and dealing with them can help everyone involved. Therapists can help teens and their families discuss problems and ways to deal with and overcome them.

Improving Family Dynamics

Therapy sessions can help improve family relationships. It can help teens and entire family members better understand each other and work towards having a more solid future.


Family therapy sessions can also help to educate family members about the substance abuse disorder and what their teen is going through. Many times, family members have trouble processing what led to the addiction and how the treatment process works.

Different Types of Family Therapy Sessions During Adolescent Drug Rehab

There are several types of family therapy sessions that teens and their families may undergo [2]:

Multidimensional Family Therapy at Adolescent Drug Rehab

Multidimensional Family Therapy is a family-centered treatment and substance use prevention program for teens with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. This type of program uses a multidimensional approach to looking at the factors that lead to a teen using drugs or alcohol.

Family Behavioral Therapy

This therapy involves collaborating with the teen, parents, and counselors. Therapists teach families how to implement behavior strategies and coping skills to improve the family as a unit.

Brief Strategic Family Therapy

With this therapy, the interactions between family members are looked at. Family relationships are observed, and coping strategies are also addressed.

Functional Family Therapy

This focuses on encouraging family members to commit to their role in treatment and helping them recognize that they need to change along with the teen undergoing treatment.

Strengthening Families Program

At Ember Recovery, we also offer a Strengthening Families Program as part of our treatment. This focuses on helping parents learn practical strategies to become better teachers and listeners and more empathetic. When families complete this program, they have the tools needed to develop a happier family and improve mental health outcomes to help the teen recover.

As part of the adolescent drug rehab program and to help teens stay on track, families need to help their teens envision what life looks like substance-free. This includes:

  • Setting realistic goals
  • Creating a recovery plan
  • Supporting teens as they achieve their dreams

This type of family support can help teens see that they can live a life without drugs and alcohol and be successful in the process. Families can help teens set realistic goals and celebrate as they reach each milestone.

Creating a recovery plan that includes therapy and other treatment types can also provide teens with the support they need. Knowing someone in their corner cheering them on can give teens the necessary support to continue in the process.

Adolescent Drug Rehab at Ember Recovery

If your teen needs adolescent drug rehab in Iowa, Ember Recovery is here to help. By focusing solely on teens, we can provide the support and services they need to accomplish their recovery goals. We understand that family support is integral to the recovery process and work to include families in therapy and treatment programs. When teens participate in our programs, they learn to be successful during treatment and when they complete their program.

To learn more about our programs, call Ember Recovery or contact us online to learn more.



