Parental Influence on Teen Drinking: Tips for Open Communication
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Does your teen drink alcohol? Research shows that people ages 12-20 drink nearly 4% of all alcohol consumed in the U.S.[1] When you break it down into specific age groups, statistics show that almost ¼ of all 14-15-year-olds admit to having at least one drink in their lifetime, and around 4 million teens admit to going on a drinking binge at least once in the last month. Numbers like these clearly show that teen drinking is an issue that needs to be addressed. Parents and guardians can take the lead by providing open communication about the topic to prevent underage drinking. Ember Recovery is committed to helping families prevent teen drinking. We have compiled some helpful tips that parents can use as a guide to talk to their children about the dangers of underage drinking.

How Parents Can Help to Prevent Underage Teen Drinking

Have an Open Dialogue

Teen drinking should not be a taboo topic. Be open about talking about teen drinking and its dangers. Be sure your teen knows that you are always there to talk to and answer questions they may have about drinking. If they know you’re there to speak to them in a non-judgmental way, they may be more willing to come talk to you.

Set Clear Expectations

Set clear expectations when it comes to drinking and establish no-drinking rules. Explain that while you know they may face peer pressure, the expectation is that they will not drink. You can even tell them that while they may not agree or like your rules, you are the adult and setting these rules because you care.

Model Responsible Behavior

Parents can help to prevent underage drinking by modeling responsible behavior. Studies show that young people are less likely to drink heavily if they live in homes where parents have specific rules against drinking at a young age and drink responsibly themselves.[2] Parents can also model responsible behavior by:

  • Not drinking excessively
  • Never driving under the influence
  • Showing their children alcohol should be consumed in moderation

By being a role model, teens can see that alcohol can be consumed responsibly among adults who are of legal age.

Know Your Child’s Friends

It is essential to know who your teens are spending time with and who they are with. If you know they are hanging out with friends who are drinking, you can discourage them from being with them. This can help to keep them out of situations that include peer pressure and instances where alcohol will be present.

Allow Them to Have Friends at Your Home

Allow your teen to have friends over at home where you know alcohol will not be present. This will show them, and the friends they invite, that it is possible to have fun without including alcohol. By having gatherings where alcohol is not present, it normalizes the scenario instead of making it seem normal to always have alcohol around. This may also encourage other teens to do the same, allowing for more alcohol-free choices to socialize and have fun.

How to Talk to Your Child About Teen Drinking

Establish Rules and Consequences

Establish rules about teen drinking and the consequences your teen will face if they are found drinking. Knowing the rules can help your teen make educated choices when faced with the option to drink.

Share Your Stories

If you or someone you know had trouble with alcohol, share your story with your teen. They will appreciate your honesty. It will also show them that the dangers of binge drinking and alcohol abuse are real, not just stories. If you have a family member who struggled with alcohol abuse, ask them if they would be willing to share their stories first-hand to help re-iterate the dangers of excess alcohol use.

Encourage Healthy Choices

Encourage your teen to make healthy choices when it comes to drinking. Educate them about the effects drinking can have on their bodies at such a young age. Teen drinking significantly impacts the brain by disrupting its development.[3] It can lead to long-term memory problems and decision-making. Since the brain is still developing, it can lead to cognitive impairments later in life.

Always Tell Them You Will Be There to Pick Them Up

If your child finds themselves in a situation where they are with friends who are drinking, let them know they can always rely on you to pick them up and be there for them. This can allow them to make good decisions in dangerous situations. While having a conversation after the incident is essential, reacting without yelling is vital so your child is not afraid to come to you.

Get Help for a Teen Drinking Problem at Ember Recovery

If your teen has an underage drinking problem, the team at Ember Recovery is here to help. We customize a treatment plan to suit your teen best, help them recover, and lead a sober life. Our team uses a variety of therapies and techniques that will help your teen learn how to live without alcohol.

Contact the team at Ember Recovery today to learn more about our treatment program for teen alcohol abuse.




